Monday, August 15, 2011

Almost Time for School

I can hardly believe that both of my little firefighters will be going to school this year!  G will be in 4 year old preschool and M will be going into 3 year old preschool.  I can hardly believe that M will be going to school too.  I know that they will only be gone a couple of days a week for a couple of hours but it is amazing how fast that time has come upon us.  I remember the day that I brought each boy home from the hospital.  They both seemed so tiny in my arms and now they are leaving my arms to go to school like big boys.  I cried on my way out to the car last year when G started 3 year old preschool and I am sure I will cry when M starts this year.

While I may not be excited about them growing up so fast, they are sure excited.  M has been asking to go to preschool since last year when he was able to go with me for snack day.  Every couple of months the school lets the parents and siblings attend snack time with the students.  M loved it and G loved showing him what to do and where to sit.  Some days he would even cry when G was able to go to preschool but he could not go.  He kept asking when the next snack day would be.  I know that they are both looking forward to it.

I was one of the room moms for G's class last year and I hope to be a room mom for both of their classes this year.  It was a lot of work but so much fun planning the parties and the crafts for the kids.  It is great to watch how excited they get with their projects and the party.  Both boys would help me get our project together and help me bake whatever it was we needed to bring in.  It was nice how it became a family effort instead of me doing it all alone.

I pray that this will be a good school year for both of my boys and all of the children.  Now I just need to get them some school clothes and their book bags...and a box of tissues for Mom.  As always, I will have my camera in hand to take their First Day of School pictures.

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